Things come to you in a moment of inspiration. It’s hard to be able to capture that whim, but especially since having a kid, I often don’t get to capture that moment, and I really have to tuck it away and hope that I can access it later. And as a musician, I was kind of beating myself up because really, until about a year ago, I was not playing my instruments very much. And it wasn’t until I had this time that she wasn’t home that I really realized “okay, it’s because the only time I had to make music was at night, my landlords lives upstairs, my instruments are really loud, and during her naptimes, if I made any noise, she would wake up”. Like as soon as I started to sing, she would hear that and wake up… now she does quiet time in the afternoon, so I can usually get about 20 or 30 minutes and make some noise, she does sometimes go “stop making that noise, it’s quiet time”. It’s really challenged me to just get over it. I just fucking do the hard thing or I don’t get to be an artist

Portrait of Blue Lobelia (Rachel Bruch) and Rosa


Oil on canvas

54 x 42 inches


Back to the shape of my family...


Being pregnant with Gigi started up my art practice...